

FAQs About Sexual Orientations



Is Homosexuality Unnatural?


The homosexual tendency has been observed in numerous animal species. Ecologically, it is natual to have variations within a species, and diversity is the law of nature. Besides, psychologically, we can only “be natural” when we stay true to our feelings.



Is Homosexuality an Acquired Behaviour?


We have yet been able to conclude the nature/nurture debate about homosexuality from any study, but it is clear that attempts to change sexual orientation can never be changed, and all sexual orientations are natural and deserve our respect, is it still important to dwell on the nature/nurture debate?



Do Lesbians and Gays Need to Receive Treatments?


As human beings, lesbians and gays may also suffer from emotional distress and, thus, need to seek psychotherapy or medical treatment. The American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as early as 1974. Ever since, homosexuality is no longer classified as a mental disorder. Therefore, lesbians and gays do not need any cure for their sexual orientations.



Do People Become Lesbian and Gay Because They Have Not Met the Right One or Failed to Date the Opposite Sex?


Relationship troubles do not change one’s sexual orientation. Sexuality is fluid and diverse. People may better understand their sexual orientation after meeting the right one and then naturally feel affectionate towards them. However, this “change” is not the result of manipulation or trauma, but a crystal after a series of self-exploration.  



Do People Become Lesbian or Gay Because of Peer Influrence?


Lesbian or gay people grew up in a heteronormative society. The majority of them were raised by heterosexual parents, within a heterosexual culture that is embedded in books and movies, and their peers are mostly heterosexual. Yet, such exposure cannot make them heterosexual. Obviously, sexual orientation cannot be “influenced”. 



Are the Love Lives of Lesbians and Gays Chaotic? Do They Change Partners Often?

性傾向與感情生活亂不亂無關。大眾媒體喜歡把同性戀和濫交扯上關係,但所有性傾向均有花心和專一的人。長達十二年的美國追蹤研究顯示,四十對同性伴侶中只有八對分手(Gottman et al, 2003)。近年隨著更多國家接受同性婚姻,愈來愈多同性伴侶都選擇許下婚誓共諧連理,可見專情與否和性傾向無關。

Sexual orientation has nothing to do with love lives. Mass media always connects promiscuity with the gay and lesbian communities. However, infidelity and faithfulness both exist across all sexual orientations. In a 12-year longitudinal study, only 8 out of 40 pairs of same-sex lovers chose to marry and hold a stable, life-long relationship. Therefore, relationship dedication is unrelated to sexual orientation.



Do Lesbians and Gays Want to Change Their Genders?


Sexual Orientation and gender identity are two different concepts. Gender identity refers to one’s psychological gender. Some people whose gender identity is mismatched with the sex assigned at birth may consider changing their genders with surgery, but it has nothing to do with sexual orientation.



Aren't Lesbians or Gays Worried About Getting AIDS?


Homosexuality will not give a person AIDS. AIDS has specific transmission routes, including blood transfusion, unprotected sex, sharing injection equipment, etc. Therefore, AIDS is an issue of hygiene, but not sexual orientation.



Isn't Your Religion Against Homosexuality?


Many religions are not homophobic per se. For example, each Christian denomination has unique theological perspectives, and sometimes different understanding of the bible on homosexuality happens within the same denomination. For instance, Hong Kong Anglican (Episcopal) Church does not recognise gay marriage, while some Episcopal churches in the United States give blessings to same-sex couples and even host same-sex weddings.


How Can I Get My Family and Friends to Accept My LGBTQ+ Identity?



在出櫃之前,自己亦應該先探索和接納自己的性小眾身份,肯定個人價值和增強自己對性/ 別議題的認識。平時甚少接觸性小眾有關資訊的家人和朋友或會對自己的性傾向有許多疑惑和誤解,但堅定和認真的態度會讓他們更容易理解和接受自己的情況。

Coming out is a milestone in the lives of sexual minorities.

Undoubtedly, the best outcome will be to have the love and acceptance from our family and peers. However, before making such an important decision, we should first weigh the pros and cons while sorting out the meanings and the advantages of coming out at this stage. Besides, we also need to evaluate the risks of coming out and prepare for every possible situation.

Before coming out to your family and peers, you should also explore and accept your identity as a sexual minority, affirm your values and strengthen your understanding of gender and sexuality issues. Family and peers who rarely have doubts and misunderstandings regarding your sexual identity will facilitate their understanding and acceptance of your situation.