Society of True Light 真光社

Co-organized by:

Hong Kong LGBT+ Affirmative Practices Conference 2023

香港 LGBT+ 肯定式實踐手法會議 2023

2-3 June 2023 (Fri & Sat)

The University of Hong Kong

1/F Run Run Shaw Tower - CPD-1.24

2023 年 6 月 2 – 3 日(星期五及六)

香港大學 逸夫教學樓 CPD-1.24

Location 位置

The conference will be held at the University of Hong Kong. 

Venue 地點

The conference will be held at CPD-1.24 in the Run Run Shaw Tower at the Centennial Campus. The location can be found at
會議將於百周年校園逸夫教學樓 CPD-1.24 舉行。位置可參閱

Transportation 交通

Exit C1 of HKU MTR Station
香港大學港鐵站 C1 出口


Hourly rate will be charged by the University.