Society of True Light 真光社

Co-organized by:

Hong Kong LGBT+ Affirmative Practices Conference 2023

香港 LGBT+ 肯定式實踐手法會議 2023

2-3 June 2023 (Fri & Sat)

The University of Hong Kong

1/F Run Run Shaw Tower - CPD-1.24

2023 年 6 月 2 – 3 日(星期五及六)

香港大學 逸夫教學樓 CPD-1.24

Programme 會議程序

2/6/2023 (Fri) Day 1 – Global Experiences | 2023 年 6 月 2 日(五)第一日 – 境外經驗

09:00am – 09:30am
Registration 登記
09:30am – 09:50am
Welcome Speech & Opening Remarks 歡迎及開幕辭

Dino Ching Kwong Wong 黃政光
Founder & President, Society of True Light
真光社 創辦人及主席

Theme: Overview and Outlook of LGBT+ Affirmative Therapies


09:50am – 11:10am
Delivering LGBT+ Affirmative Intervention for Sexual Minorities

Keynote Lecture 專題演講
Shelley L. Craig
Professor, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto
多倫多大學 Factor-Inwentash 社會工作學院教授

11:10am – 11:30am
Coffee Break 小休
11:30am – 12:50pm
Applying LGBT+ Affirmative Practices for Sexual Minorities with Relationship Difficulties

Practice Sharing 實踐分享
Chih-Yun Hsu 徐志雲
Psychiatrist, National Taiwan University Hospital
國立台灣大學醫學院附設醫院 精神科醫師
Former Chairperson, Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association (2017-2021)
台灣同志諮詢熱線協會 前理事長 (2017-2021)
* Mandarin with simultaneous interpretation to English
* 國語進行,設有英語即時傳譯

12:50pm – 2:00pm
Lunch Break 午膳
1:40pm – 2:00pm
Registration 登記

Theme: Specific Care for LGBT+ Subgroups

2:00pm – 3:00pm
Human Library – Clients with Mental Health Service Experiences
    • Deaf transman 聾人跨性別男士
    • Demisexual individual in a polyamorous relationship 在多重伴侶關係的半無性戀人士
    •  Panromantic ethnic minority 泛性浪漫傾向的少數族裔
    • Gay individual with religious traumas 經歷宗教創傷的男同志

* Cantonese with simultaneous interpretation to English
* 廣東話進行,設有英語即時傳譯

3:00pm – 3:15pm
Coffee Break 小休
3:15pm – 4:35pm
Resolving Identity Dissonance in LGBTQIA+ Christians

Practice Sharing 實踐分享
Joel Hollier
Pastor, New City Church, Sydney
悉尼 新城教會 傳道人
Research Officer, Sydney School of Education and Social Work, The University of Sydney
悉尼大學 悉尼教育及社會工作學院 專職研究員

4:35pm – 5:45pm
The Challenges of Developing Affirmative Services in the Asian Context

Practice Sharing 實踐分享
Chih-Liu Peng 彭治鏐
Vice Secretary General, Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association
台灣同志諮詢熱線協會 副秘書長

Chiwei Cheng 鄭智偉
Director of Social Work, Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association
台灣同志諮詢熱線協會 社工主任

* Mandarin with simultaneous interpretation to English
* 國語進行,設有英語即時傳譯

5:45pm – 6:00pm
Closing Remarks 閉幕辭

3/6/2023 (Sat) Day 2 – Local Insights | 2023 年 6 月 3 日(六)第二日 – 本地經驗

09:00am – 09:20am
Registration 登記

Theme: Current Situations in Hong Kong LGBT+ Community

09:20am – 10:40am
Training LGBTQ-Affirmative Therapists

Keynote Lecture 專題演講
Shelley L. Craig
Professor, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto
多倫多大學 Factor-Inwentash 社會工作學院 教授

10:40am – 10:55am
Coffee Break 小休
10:55am – 11:30am
Applying Mindfulness for Sexual Minorities in Hong Kong

Presentation 研究分享
Eddie Siu Kwan Chong 莊兆鈞
Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong
香港大學 社會工作及社會行政學系 助理教授

11:30am – 12:05pm
Sexual Orientation Change Efforts in Hong Kong

Presentation 研究分享
Randolph Chun Ho Chan 陳俊豪
Associate Head, Department of Special Education and Counselling, The Education University of Hong Kong
香港教育大學 特殊教育及輔導學系 副系主任

12:05pm – 12:40pm
Introduction to the Hong Kong Psychological Society’s Revised Position Paper for Psychologists Working with Gender and Sexually Diverse Individuals

Practice Sharing 實踐分享
Karen Gotthelf
Hong Kong Psychological Society Co-Representative, International Psychology Network for LGBTI Issues (IPsyNet)
LGBTI 議題國際心理學聯網 (IPsyNet) 香港心理學會代表 
Council Member, The Hong Kong Psychological Society (Chair, Continuing Education Committee & Deputy Chair, Division of Industrial Organisational Psychology)
香港心理學會 議會成員(持續進修委員會 主席 及 工業與組織心理學部  副主席)

Kitty Wai Ying Choi 蔡薳縈
Hong Kong Psychological Society Co-Representative, International Psychology Network for LGBTI Issues (IPsyNet)
LGBTI 議題國際心理學聯網 (IPsyNet) 香港心理學會代表 
Director, Sticky Rice Love
糖不甩 總監

12:40pm – 1:00pm
A Quick Reference Guide for Counselors to Work with Sexual Minorities

Presentation 研究分享
Harrison Long-tin Sit 薛朗天
Psychological Advisor, Society of True Light
真光社 心理顧問

1:00pm – 2:00pm

Lunch Break 午膳

1:45pm – 2:00pm

Registration 登記

Theme: Specific Care for LGBT+ Subgroups

2:00pm – 2:50pm
Clinical Management for Clients with Gender Dysphoria

Practice Sharing 實踐分享
Jaclyn Yeung 楊浩恩
Clinical Psychologist

* Cantonese with simultaneous interpretation to English
* 廣東話進行,設有英語即時傳譯

Providing Support for Parents of LGBT+ Children

Practice Sharing 實踐分享
Hannah Chow 鄒恒 

Project Touch, The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs
Association of Hong Kong

香港小童群益會 性向無限計劃

* Cantonese with simultaneous interpretation to English
* 廣東話進行,設有英語即時傳譯

2:50pm – 3:40pm
Working with Trans Youth with Gender Dysphoria and Autism Spectrum Disorder

Practice Sharing 實踐分享
Diana Kan Kwok
Associate Professor, Department of Special Education and Counselling, The Education University of Hong Kong
香港教育大學 特殊教育及輔導學系 副教授

* Cantonese with simultaneous interpretation to English
* 廣東話進行,設有英語即時傳譯

Working with Trans- and Gender Diverse Clients

Practice Sharing 實踐分享
Alex Ho Ming Lam 林皓明

Clinical Psychologist, Social Welfare Department, HKSAR Government
社會福利署 臨床心理學家

* Cantonese with simultaneous interpretation to English
* 廣東話進行,設有英語即時傳譯

3:40pm – 4:00pm
Coffee Break 小休
4:00pm – 4:50pm
Clinical Management for MSM with Chemsex behaviours

Practice Sharing 實踐分享
Roy Lut-wai Lui
Counsellor, SACH-IV, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals
東華三院 沙馳四號 輔導員

* Cantonese with simultaneous interpretation to English
* 廣東話進行,設有英語即時傳譯

Resourcing for LGBT+ Young Adults: Mentorship Programme
為多元性別青年提供社區資源 :師友計劃

Practice Sharing 實踐分享
Yu-Te Huang 黃昱得
Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong
香港大學 社會工作及社會行政學系 助理教授

* Mandarin with simultaneous interpretation to English
* 國語進行,設有英語即時傳譯

4:50pm – 5:50pm-
Service Development for Hong Kong LGBT+

Panel Discussion 專題討論
Moderator 主持:

  • Diana Kwok (Associate Professor, Department of Special Education and Counselling, The Education University of Hong Kong)
    郭勤(香港教育大學 特殊教育及輔導學系 副教授)

Speakers 講員:

    • Hannah Chow (Project Touch, The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong)
      鄒恒 (香港小童群益會 性向無限計劃)
    • Yu-Te Huang (Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong)
      黃昱得(香港大學 社會工作及社會行政學系 助理教授)
    • Alex Ho Ming Lam (Clinical Psychologist, Social Welfare Department, HKSAR Government)
      林皓明(社會福利署 臨床心理學家)
    • Roy Lut-wai Lui (Counsellor, SACH-IV, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals)
      呂律懷(東華三院 沙馳四號 輔導員)
    • Jaclyn Yeung (Clinical Psychologist)

* Cantonese/Mandarin with simultaneous interpretation to English
* 廣東話/國語進行,設有英語即時傳譯

5:50pm – 6:00pm
Closing Remarks 閉幕辭

Dino Ching Kwong Wong 黃政光
Founder & President, Society of True Light
真光社 創辦人及主席

The conference will be conducted in English with simultaneous interpretation to Cantonese unless stated otherwise.