Society of True Light 真光社

Co-organized by:

Hong Kong LGBT+ Affirmative Practices Conference 2023

香港 LGBT+ 肯定式實踐手法會議 2023

2-3 June 2023 (Fri & Sat)

The University of Hong Kong

1/F Run Run Shaw Tower - CPD-1.24

2023 年 6 月 2 – 3 日(星期五及六)

香港大學 逸夫教學樓 CPD-1.24

Speakers 講員

Keynote Speaker 專題講員

Prof. Shelley L. Craig​

Prof. Shelley L. Craig​

Professor, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work,
University of Toronto
多倫多大學 Factor-Inwentash 社會工作學院 教授

Prof. Craig serves at the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work at the University of Toronto and holds the Canada Research Chair for Sexual and Gender Minority Youth (SGMY). With over twenty years of community-based leadership, practice and research with sexual and gender minority and marginalized populations, Prof. Craig is a licensed clinical social worker who excels in affirmative practice and effective service delivery. Her research has been funded by federal organizations such as SSHRC and CIHR, and her recent studies focus on community-based interventions to improve the mental health and coping of SGMY and the impact of information and communication technologies on their resiliencies. 

As an expert in intervention research and practice with SGMY, Prof. Craig has tested several interventions for SGMY, including Strengths-First, ASSET, AFFIRM Caregiver and AFFIRM. She has contributed over 125 peer reviewed journal articles and over 250 peer reviewed conference presentations and invited talks to the empirical literature. Prof. Craig is an avid educator and has trained thousands of practitioners and policymakers on affirmative care for SGMY and LGBT affirmative social work education. 

Prof. Craig’s extensive experience has earned her multiple awards and recognitions, such as Inspirational Social Work Leader (Ontario Association of Social Workers); Fellow, the Society for Social Work Research (SSWR); The Excellence in Research Scholarship Award from the Council of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity/Expression (CSOGIE); National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Student Social Worker of the Year; and The Gay and Lesbian Adolescent Social Services (GLASS) National Person of Impact.

Dr. Craig 是加拿大多倫多大學社會工作學院的教授,同時也是加拿大性小眾青少年群體的研究主席。她擁有超過二十年與少數群體的社區、臨床和研究經驗。作為一名註冊社會工作者,Dr. Craig 擅長於個人和社區的自我肯定治療手法。她的研究得到了SSHRC和CIHR等聯邦機構的資助,主要集中於改善青少年的心理健康和應對能力的社區干預,以及科技和資訊如何影響性小眾的心理韌力。

Dr. Craig 驗證不同針對性小眾青少年群體的介入手法,包括強項為本手法、校本的充權小組、以自我肯定為本的認知行為治療、肯定為本性小眾家長小組等,對青少年的心理健康有重大的正面影響。Dr. Craig 曾發表了50多篇同儕評審的期刊文章和150多篇同儕評審的會議演講。她也是一位熱心的教育者,培訓了成千上萬的臨床專業人員和政策制定者。

Dr. Craig 榮獲多個獎項和認可,例如安大略省社會工作者協會頒發的有啟發性的社會工作領袖、社會工作研究協會的院士、性取向和性別認同/表達理事會的卓越研究獎、全國社會工作者協會的學生社會工作者年度獎以及Gay and Lesbian Adolescent Social Services (GLASS)的全國有影響力人物獎。

Speakers 講員

In alphabetical order of last names 以英文姓氏排序 

Dr. Randolph Chun Ho Chan<br>陳俊豪博士

Dr. Randolph Chun Ho Chan

Associate Head,
Department of Special Education and Counselling, The Education University of Hong Kong
香港教育大學 特殊教育及輔導學系 副系主任

Dr. Chan is an Associate Professor and the Associate Head of the Department of Special Education and Counselling at the Education University of Hong Kong. His research focuses on the mental health and positive development of individuals from marginalized populations, with a particular emphasis on gender and sexually diverse individuals. He has conducted extensive research to understand how distal and proximal minority stress processes influence psychosocial outcomes among LGBTQ+ individuals. His research also seeks to understand how LGBTQ+ individuals draw on resilience resources to positively adapt within the context of social adversity.
陳博士是香港教育大學特殊教育與輔導學系的副教授和副系主任。他的研究領域涵蓋弱勢族群的心理健康和正向發展,特別關注性/別少數群體。他的研究主要了解遠端和近端的少數族群壓力對 LGBTQ+ 人士的心理和社交方面所造成的影響。他同時也研究 LGBTQ+ 人士如何利用韌性資源積極應對社會逆境。

 Mr. Chiwei Cheng​<br>鄭智偉先生

Mr. Chiwei Cheng​

Director of Social Work, Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association
台灣同志諮詢熱線協會 社工主任

Mr. Cheng is the Director of Social Work at Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association (TTHA). He believes that sexual rights are human rights and, therefore, has been working hard on issues related to school, long-term care, and disabilities. 

TTHA was founded in 1998 and is now the oldest and the largest LGBTQ+ organisation in Taiwan. TTHA is dedicated to achieving equality and providing resources for the LGBTQ+ community through creating public dialogue and gender inclusive sexuality education. TTHA serves more than 20,000 LGBTQ+ people and non-LGBTQ+ people each year in its diverse programs focused on eight major divisions: gender and sexuality education, support for parents of LGBTQ+ children, hotline services, care for LGBTQ+ elders, HIV/AIDS prevention, intimate partner violence, transgender issues, and community initiatives. 


台灣同志諮詢熱線協會是目前台灣歷史最悠久、規模最大的 LGBTQ+ 組織。熱線致力通過創建公共對話和性別包容性教育來實現平等並為 LGBTQ+ 社群提供資源。熱線每年為超過 20,000 名 LGBTQ+ 人士和非 LGBTQ+ 人士提供服務,其多樣化的項目主要集中在八個主要部分:性別和性教育、支持 LGBTQ+ 兒童的父母、熱線服務、照顧 LGBTQ+ 老人、愛滋病預防、伴侶暴力、跨性別問題和社區倡議。

Dr. Eddie Siu Kwan Chong<br>莊兆鈞博士​

Dr. Eddie Siu Kwan Chong

Assistant Professor,
Department of Social Work and Social Administration,
The University of Hong Kong
香港大學 社會工作及社會行政學系 助理教授

Dr. Chong is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Work and Social Administration at the University of Hong Kong. He holds a doctoral degree from the University of Maryland-College Park and is a Counseling Psychologist by training. His research focuses on: (a) Resilience and stress processes of marginalized individuals, including sexual orientation minorities, (b) factors that enhance intercultural helping effectiveness among mental health professionals, and (c) the roles of mindfulness, compassion, and identity-affirming climate in intercultural exchanges.

莊博士現任香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系助理教授。他在馬里蘭大學學院市分校取得博士學位,並具有輔導心理學家的實務經驗。他的研究集中在以下三個方面:(a) 弱勢社群(如性小眾)的韌性和壓力過程,(b) 促進精神健康專業人士跨文化助人效能的因素,以及 (c) 靜觀、慈悲心和身份肯定氛圍在跨文化交流中的作用。

Ms. Kitty Wai Ying Choi<BR> 蔡薳縈小姐

Ms. Kitty Wai Ying Choi

Hong Kong Psychological Society Co-Representative, International Psychology Network for LGBTI Issues (IPsyNet)
LGBTI 議題國際心理學聯網 (IPsyNet)

Director, Sticky Rice Love
糖不甩 總監

Ms. Choi is currently a Hong Kong Psychological Society Co-Representative of APA’s International Psychology Network for LGBTI Issues (IPsyNet) and the Director of a local NGO, Sticky Rice Love, which offers comprehensive sexuality education and sexual health promotion. She is also devoted to conducting academic research and developing interventions related to the sexual health of sexually diverse groups.

After attending the Master of Psychology programme at The University of Hong Kong, Ms. Choi will begin her PhD study this year to review and delve into curriculum development of comprehensive sexuality education in Hong Kong, with an ambition to advance local young adults’ sexual and reproductive health and understanding towards healthy relationships and sexuality in the long run.

蔡小姐是美國心理學會中的有關 LGBQI 議題的國際心理學聯網 (IPsyNet) 的香港心理學會代表,也是本地非政府組織「糖不甩」的總監,推廣全面的性教育和性健康。她還致力進行與多元性別人士的性健康相關的學術研究和介入方法。


Ms. Hannah Chow<br>鄒恒女士​

Ms. Hannah Chow

Project Manager, Project Touch, The Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong
香港小童群益會 性向無限計劃 計劃經理

Ms. Chow is the Project Manager of Project Touch at the Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong. The programme primarily provides counseling services to gender-diverse individuals and their families, and assists families in communicating about gender-related issues.

Established in 2007, Project Touch was the first mainstream social service unit in Hong Kong to support LGBTQ+ individuals and their families. The project aims to enhance the self-efficacy of LGBTQ+ individuals through community participation and to create a positive and supportive community. It also strives to assist families in communicating and understanding gender identity and sexual orientation issues. Furthermore, the project seeks to enhance the public’s understanding of gender issues and promote inclusivity beyond the LGBT+ community.


香港小童群益會性向無限計劃自 2007 年成立,是當時香港首個支援 LGBTQ+ 人士及其家庭的主流社會服務單位。計劃期望透過社群參與,提升 LGBTQ+ 人士的自我效能感,共同創造正面,互助的社群;計劃同時致力協助家庭在性別認同/性傾向議題上的溝通及互相了解。此外,計劃亦會在社群外進行公眾教育,提升社會對性別議題的認識,推廣共融。

Karen Gotthelf

Karen Gotthelf

Hong Kong Psychological Society Co-Representative, International Psychology Network for LGBTI Issues (IPsyNet)
LGBTI 議題國際心理學聯網 (IPsyNet)

Council Member, The Hong Kong Psychological Society
(Chair, Continuing Education Committee & Deputy Chair, Division of Industrial Organisational Psychology)
香港心理學會 議會成員(持續進修委員會 主席 及 工業與組織心理學部 副主席)

Ms. Gotthelf is an Associate Fellow and Registered Industrial Organisational Psychologist with the Hong Kong Psychological Society RIOP(HKPS) and Registered Psychologist with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority (AHPRA), with over 17 years at the nexus of organisational consulting and individualised mental health care. Her expertise spans design and delivery of talent and leadership development programmes, hiring/selection assessment processes, career transition and counselling services across various sectors in Australia and Hong Kong. Her educational roots are grounded in science, psychology and psychotherapy, having completed a Master in Organisational Psychology and a Master of Counselling at Monash University. 

Ms. Gotthelf is currently undertaking the Professional Doctorate in Occupational Psychology at Birkbeck University and aspires to make an impact through research, advocacy and involvement across initiatives focusing on human rights and preventative psychological health care at the policy and organisational level.

Gotthelf 女士是香港心理學會 (HKPS) 的工業與組織心理學部副院士、註冊工業與組織心理學家 RIOP(HKPS) 和澳洲健康從業者監管機構 (AHPRA) 的註冊心理學家,擁有超過 17 年的組織和個別心理健康諮詢的執業經驗。她的經驗包括在澳洲及香港的不同機構設計及帶領才能及領袖發展計劃,招聘評估,職業轉換及輔導服務。她的教育背景紮根於科學、心理學和心理治療,曾在蒙納許大學完成組織心理學碩士和輔導碩士學位。

Gotthelf 女士目前正在伯貝克大學攻讀職業心理學專業博士學位,並渴望通過研究、宣導和參與各種人權和心理健康預防倡議,對政策和組織層面產生影響。

Dr. Joel Hollier

Dr. Joel Hollier

Pastor, New City Church, Sydney
悉尼 新城教會 傳道人

Research Officer, Sydney School of Education and Social Work,
The University of Sydney
悉尼大學 悉尼教育及社會工作學院 專職研究員

Dr. Hollier is an experienced researcher and social worker, leading teams in health and community settings. He completed his PhD at the University of Sydney researching experiences of trauma amongst LGBTQA+ people in evangelical churches. Dr. Hollier’s research and practice interests include youth development, holistic frameworks of integrated care, LGBTQIA+ diversity and inclusion, mental health and religiously mediated trauma. He is the co-founder of New City Church, Sydney, and the author “Religious Trauma, Queer Identities” published by Palgrave Macmillan.

Hollier 博士是一位經驗豐富的研究人員和社會工作者,領導過不少醫護和社區工作團隊。他在悉尼大學完成博士學位,主要研究福音派教會中 LGBTQA+ 小眾的創傷經歷。Hollier 博士的工作主要包括青年發展、綜合護理的全人框架、LGBTQIA+ 多樣性和包容性、心理健康和宗教引致的創傷經歷。他也是悉尼新城教會的共同創辦人,同時也是由帕爾格雷夫·麥米倫出版的《宗教創傷,酷兒身份》一書的作者。

Dr. Chih-Yun Hsu<br>徐志雲醫師​

Dr. Chih-Yun Hsu

Psychiatrist, National Taiwan University Hospital
國立台灣大學醫學院附設醫院 精神科醫師

Former Chairperson, Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association (2017-2021)
台灣同志諮詢熱線協會 前理事長 (2017-2021)

Dr. Hsu is a clinical psychiatrist who runs an LGBTQ+ consultation clinic at the National Taiwan University Hospital. He previously served as the Chairperson of the Taiwan Tongzhi(LGBTQ+) Hotline Association, and has written extensively about LGBTQ+ rights and their intersections with his professional medical experiences.


Dr. Yu-Te Huang<br>黃昱得博士

Dr. Yu-Te Huang

Assistant Professor,
Department of Social Work and Social Administration,
The University of Hong Kong
香港大學 社會工作及社會行政學系 助理教授

Dr. Huang is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Social Work and Social Administration, the University of Hong Kong. His research interests cover adolescent mental health, sexual and gender minority youth, and immigrants’ cross-cultural experiences. In his research, Dr. Huang prioritizes theoretical discussions and methodological plurality to promote social workers’ critical thinking and their cross-cultural competency. Dr. Huang has also secured major research fundings to conduct community-based mentorship intervention, Men2ship, to support sexual and gender minority youth. Prior to pursuing his Ph.D. at the Faculty of Social Work, the University of Toronto, Dr. Huang was trained and worked as a psychiatric social worker at a medical center in Taiwan.

黃博士是香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系的助理教授。他的研究興趣涵蓋青少年心理健康、性別和性小眾青少年群體以及移民的跨文化經驗。在研究中,黃博士著重理論探討和方法論多元化,他特別強調社會工作者的批判性思維和跨文化能力。黃博士獲得重要研究基金支持,於社區進行師友計劃 (Men2ship) 支援性小眾及性別小眾青少年。在攻讀社會工作學院博士學位之前,黃博士在臺灣的一所醫療中心擔任精神科社會工作者。

Dr. Diana Kan Kwok<br>郭勤博士

Dr. Diana Kan Kwok

Associate Professor,
Department of Special Education and Counselling, The Education University of Hong Kong
香港教育大學特殊教育及輔導學系 副教授

Dr. Kwok is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Special Education and Counselling at the Education University of Hong Kong. Dr. Kwok is a registered social worker, approved counselor supervisor, and a certified sex therapist. She used to work in school, family, mental health, and LGBT service settings, in Hong Kong, and in the U.S.. She provides professional training and clinical supervision to social workers, counsellors, and mental health practitioners on mental health, sexuality education, and sexual diversity in various universities, NGOs, and government organizations. 

Dr. Kwok’s research interest focuses on the experience of gay/lesbian/queer/transgender students, sexuality education, and professional training/development/cultural competence of teachers/counselors/social workers working with sexual minorities and SEN students in the Chinese context.


郭博士的研究領域是在華人社會文化背景下,探討性小眾/同志/酷兒/跨性別學生的生活經歷;性教育議題; 服務性小眾及有特殊學習需要學生的教師/輔導員/社工的專業培訓;教師/專業工作者多元文化能力。

Mr. Alex Ho Ming Lam​<br>林皓明先生

Mr. Alex Ho Ming Lam​

Clinical Psychologist,
Social Welfare Department,
HKSAR Government
社會福利署 臨床心理學家

Mr. Lam is a clinical psychologist at the Social Welfare Department. In 2023, he authored a book which documents the experiences of transgender and gender non-conforming individuals and their parents. The book aims to help young people and parents who are facing similar situations better understand each other’s perspectives, so they can continue to love and support each other.

林先生為社會福利署的臨床心理學家。他於 2023 年編寫名為《跨越兩代的性別鴻溝》的書刊,搜集跨性別及性別非常規人士及其家長的心路歷程,為正在面對有關情況的年青人和家長更能互相明白對方的處境和想法,從而能繼續彼此愛護和體諒。

Mr.  Roy Lut-wai Lui​<br>呂律懷先生

Mr. Roy Lut-wai Lui​

Counsellor, SACH-IV,
Tung Wah Group of Hospitals
東華三院 沙馳四號 輔導員

Mr. Lui is a companion of marginalized LGBTQ+ individuals and a registered social worker at the Integrated Centre on Addiction Prevention and Treatment at Tung Wah Group of Hospitals. He has been serving the gay community for nearly 9 years, with a primary focus on addressing chemsex addiction cases, providing HIV/AIDS counseling, and leading support groups. Throughout his service, he has utilized community work methods as the backbone, helping individuals improve their self-identity, self-image, and rebuild their careers and personal lives through counseling. He also advocates for a culture of inclusiveness and mutual assistance within the gay community, particularly focusing on those who are considered “marginalized” due to social class, health status, gender expression, and other factors.

呂先生是邊緣同志同行者、東華三院心瑜軒「沙馳四號」註冊社工。服務男同志群體近9年,主力處理 chem fun 成癮個案、提供愛滋病輔導和小組支援工作。在服務過程之中他以社區工作手法為骨幹,透過輔導提高個人自我認同,改善自我形象,重建事業和生活(個人),同時又推動男同志間共融和互助文化(社群),尤其關注在社會上因為階級、身體狀態、性別氣質等而被視為「邊緣」的人。


Mr. Chih-Liu Peng<br>彭治鏐先生

Mr. Chih-Liu Peng

Vice Secretary General,
Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association
台灣同志諮詢熱線協會 副秘書長

Mr. Peng is a social worker and the Vice Secretary General of Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association (TTHA). He has been working in TTHA since 2007 and his major works involve homosexual adolescents, intimate partner violence and adoption by homosexual individuals.

TTHA was founded in 1998 and is now the oldest and the largest LGBTQ+ organisation in Taiwan. TTHA is dedicated to achieving equality and providing resources for the LGBTQ+ community through creating public dialogue and gender inclusive sexuality education. TTHA serves more than 20,000 LGBTQ+ people and non-LGBTQ+ people each year in its diverse programs focused on eight major divisions: gender and sexuality education, support for parents of LGBTQ+ children, hotline services, care for LGBTQ+ elders, HIV/AIDS prevention, intimate partner violence, transgender issues, and community initiatives. 

彭先生是一位社工人,從 2007 年在台灣同志諮詢熱線協會任職至今,現在是熱線的副秘書長。主要負責青少年同志、同志親密暴力、同志收養等議題。

台灣同志諮詢熱線協會是目前台灣歷史最悠久、規模最大的 LGBTQ+ 組織。熱線致力通過創建公共對話和性別包容性教育來實現平等並為 LGBTQ+ 社群提供資源。熱線每年為超過 20,000 名 LGBTQ+ 人士和非 LGBTQ+ 人士提供服務,其多樣化的項目主要集中在八個主要部分:性別和性教育、支持 LGBTQ+ 兒童的父母、熱線服務、照顧 LGBTQ+ 老人、愛滋病預防、伴侶暴力、跨性別問題和社區倡議。

Mr. Harrison Long-tin Sit<br>薛朗天先生

Mr. Harrison Long-tin Sit

Psychological Advisor,
Society of True Light
真光社 心理顧問

Mr. Sit has practiced as an educational psychologist in different organizations. He provides psychoeducational assessment, consultation, intervention and workshops, with the aim of creating an inclusive ethos. He is also a committee member in the Society of True Light. In 2023, he developed a quick toolkit for counselors by collecting the counseling experience of different sexual minorities via an online survey.

薛先生曾於不同教育機構任職教育心理學家,主要提供心理評估、諮商、訓練和教育講座,致力營造一個共融的環境。他同時亦為真光社提供心理諮商,於 2023 年透過網上問卷收集不同性小眾人士的輔導經驗,撰寫名為《處理性小眾輔導個案懶人包》的教材套,幫助輔導人員可以更快掌握處理個案時的須知。

Ms. Jaclyn Yeung <br>楊浩恩小姐

Ms. Jaclyn Yeung

Clinical Psychologist

Ms. Yeung is a clinical psychologist working in a gender identity clinic in a hospital in Hong Kong. She serves and collaborates with individuals with gender dysphoria, as well as their significant others during the process of transition. Ms. Yeung also provides psychological assessment and intervention to both inpatients and outpatients across medical and psychiatric settings.