Society of True Light is the first non-profit organisation that is dedicated to promoting self-acceptance of sexual orientations in sexual minorities and advocating for the banning of conversion therapy and all other forms of sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) in Hong Kong. It was established on 17 May 2018 (International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia), and formed by a group of volunteers, including medical doctors, psychologists, academic researchers, social workers, and designers, who are concerned about the well-being of sexual minorities. It has no religious background and aims to promote self-acceptance of sexual minorities through various means such as action, academic research, education, supervision and publication. The current service targets include homosexual individuals, parents, Christians, and those seeking to know more about their sexual orientations.
真光社是本港首個致力推動性小眾對性傾向的自我接納及倡議全面禁止拗直治療和其他任何形式的性向試改 (sexual orientation change efforts) 的非牟利團體,成立於 2018 年 5 月 17 日(國際不再恐同日),由一班積極關心性小眾生命的義工組成,其中包括醫生、心理學家、大學研究員、社工及設計師等。真光社並無宗教背景,藉著行動、研究、教育、監察及出版,促進性小眾的自我接納。現時主要針對的社群包括同性戀者、同性戀家長、同性戀基督徒,及所有對自己性傾向想更深入了解的人。

Research Report on Sexual Orientation Change Efforts in Hong Kong
Society of True Light published the very first paper on sexual orientation change efforts in Hong Kong, in collaboration with Dr. Randolph Chan from the Education University of Hong Kong in 2022 and made an infographic report with counselling advices, which is available for counselling centres.
真光社於 2022 年聯同香港教育大學陳俊豪教授發表了本港首份有關性向試改 (sexual orientation change efforts) 的學術論文,並準備了一份包含輔導建議的研究報告供輔導中心使用。